Friday, April 18, 2008

A Penny Saved is a Penny Spent

Do you remember what Professor Abraham Lee told us ALL THE TIME?
Do you remember when the authors of "JANITOR BOB" came and told us?

Yes, that's right to NEVER GO IN DEBT.

the article I read awakened me again. In order to set your purses straight read this.

As talk of recession and belt-tightening makes headlines, I wonder where and how I lost my grandfather's sense of thrift.
-> Yes, where did the sense of thrift that our grandparents taught us?

Yet my generation racks up debt the way our grandparents used to squirrel away pennies.
-> A penny saved is a penny spent. How are you using the money that your parents or your grandparents of stacked up? Aren't you using more than they gathered?

George Loewenstein, professor of economics and psychology at Carnegie Mellon, who says the availability of cheaper goods, as well as Internet shopping and longer store hours, make it far easier to waste money. "It used to be that the simple opening and closing of store doors exerted some control on spending. That's all gone now," he says.

-> Same with me here, I feel very ashamed. The cheap 99cents $9.99 goods lure me into buying. DON"T FALL IN TO IT! Also, the 24 hour stores, I just get tempted to going, in the early hours, just for NO REASON. Maybe the old days were better when the shops and stores were nice enough to control our spendings.

some of the "belt tightening" is more psychological than frugal. I've hung out with playground moms who take pride in their Payless shoes, yet think nothing of wearing $150 jeans and driving SUVs. I'm no better. Does it really matter if I pack my lunch every day when I'm so deep in debt?

Actually, it does. "Just like if you skip a bag of Doritos every day you'll lose weight long term, the same goes for cutting back on small expenses," says Loewenstein. And once you decide to look for it, there is advice out there. It's even free. "Prices are going up, and the people who come to my site are trying even harder to be frugal," says a thirtysomething New York blogger, "Madame X," whose anonymous blog uses her own life as an example of how to be thrifty (don't shop with friends; cook cheap meals at home). Her blog name sounds less than virtuous. But her grandfather would surely be proud.

-> SO think about it. Save! and be thrift. Be frugal.
Penny a day can one day become a dollar and a dollar a day can be come hundreds and so on. The most important thing to remember is to "NEVER GO IN DEBT."

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