Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Growth in 'Green-Collar' Jobs

Even in a shaky economy, there are expanding opportunities in environmentally friendly industries.
Original Article By Karen Breslau | Newsweek Web Exclusive

"the re­sulting green economy can generate a lot of good jobs at a far greater scale than a pollu­tion-based economy."

Gamesa, a Span­ish-owned wind energy compa­ny that two years ago started making turbines at a former U.S. Steel plant near Philadelphia, has been hiring 1,300 people in the states.

Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama stopped in at Gamesa While much of the hype around the emerging "clean tech" to pitch their plans for boosting the alternative energy sector.

Van jones, founder of Green for all says that Green economy will be created in less glamorous sectors: weatherizing homes and offices, installing solar panels and retrofitting factories with ener­gy-efficient technologies.
He wants "The green economy to come is going to be a broad-shouldered, mass movement of American labor."

I can not agree more on Jones. It has to be a mass movement of all labor. Cost reduced so that everybody is allowed to be part of the movement.
I am so happy to see these Green collar jobs increasing, and also very thankful to see these companies doing good to the community and the country. My wish is that
Korea, does some what a similar movement as soon as possible, especially since the New president was elected and his plans are to be carried out.

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